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What İs Chibi Lands Past ?

6 million years ago, after the Great Chibi War, chibis were living in a war-torn planet that is no more liveable. Elder chibis decited to move their population a more productive lands so they gathered most handy and young 100 chibi (50 Girl 50 Boy) to send them to The Earth for a great purpose. The purpose was the create a new liveable and productive place for the all chibis to live. After 100 chibi's rocket launched away from Auro(Chibis planet) 175 km out of the atmosphere. Auro is just suddenly vanished from the universe. The chibis watched it from the window of space ship they were in shock after venishing auro. Transparent pop up window just appared in the ship. İt was a message from Chibi Elders to young chibis. Elders were know that auro will gona vanish, so they were lying about the new place and a new life thing for all chibis.

What Chibis Gona Do Now ?

Chibis will find a new place for make their population great again like the old days so they will find a new land a new home to live. As the elders said.They will breed and increase they population. They will Create a New Chibi Land.


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